
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hamlet Act Two Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Act Two Essay Hamlet Act ll An important character in the play Hamlet is Polonius. Polonius is often thought to be foolish, and thoughtless. However, Polonius is anything but foolish, and thoughtless. Polonius is a man who is very intellectual, and he provides guidance to those who need it. For example, his advice to Reynaldo on how to  monitor Laertess wild behavior is magnificent and brilliant. His advice to Ophelia  about Hamlet, love, and affection is very accurate. Polonius is considered a fool to some people, because Hamlet is making it seem that way, he wants to put Polonius down, and make Polonius seem like a fool. Hamlet is rude to Polonius, and constantly making fun of him. At one point Hamlet calls Polonius a â€Å"fishmonger†. Hamlet then makes his insult worse by wishing that Polonius were as honest as a fishmonger, which is to say that Polonius is lower than the lowest. Although, Polonius is nothing of the sort, another example of Polonius providing guidance to those who need it is when Laertes is waiting for his ship to depart, Polonius has a couple of minutes to tell  him how to live well. His brief advice is insightful and parental. He tells Laertes to think before  he acts, listen more than talk,  keep good friends close but dont worry  about drinking buddies. Dont get in fights, watch your money, and take care of your appearance, things like that. Polonius is the kind to seek to discover the truth on his own. He studies Hamlet to link his madness to love and betrayal. He then seeks to trial his theories by testing Hamlets sanity through a slew of inquiring questions. A foolish man does not do this. Perhaps, Polonius was just putting on an act, to make people think that he was foolish and stupid. Regardless of his motives, Polonius cannot be described as a simple character. Polonius has gotten a bad reputation, but further depth into his character reveals that Polonius is indeed a complex character with a great deal of wisdom.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Full-Day vs. Half-Day Kindergarten Essay -- essays papers

Full-Day vs. Half-Day Kindergarten Which is more effective? Abstract: This paper gives a brief history of kindergarten; where and why it was created. It describes both full-day and half-day programs, examines the advantages, and disadvantages of full-day and half-day kindergarten, and comes to a conclusion as to which program is more effective in educating the young. Kindergarten plays an important role in the growth, and development of a child. It is here that children begin the foundation for the rest of there education. Educators are constantly looking for ways to improve the kindergarten program for optimal success, however change never occurs easily. There is always some opposition; as in the case with the change from half-day to full-day kindergarten. After carefully researching the controversial topic I have been able to come to some conclusions, as to which program is more effective, and practical. However it is important to first look into where kindergarten all began. There is no denying the importance of the care and education of young children. That is why early childhood educators have been motivated for centuries to create high quality programs for the young. One of the most innovative and lasting programs that was created was German educator Friedrich Froebel’s concept of kindergarten. Froebel sought to develop a program that would stress the natural growth of children through play, and in 1837 he developed the first kindergarten (Froebel’s Kindergarten). Froebel believed that children after the age of three should be placed in the care of properly trained teachers for part of the day (A Comparison of the Reading Performance). In 1849 the training of kindergarten teachers began, and in the 1850’s kin... ...from Academic Search/ EBSCO database Kurtz, Jill. (2004, October 15). Starting School for Kindergarten Parents. Retrieved December 4, 2004, from http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/start/kday.htm Mathur, Sangeeta, Elicker, James (1997). What Do They Do All Day? Comprehensive Evaluation of a Full-Day Kindergarten. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 12(4), p.459 +. Retrieved October 3, 2004, from ERIC database Schubert, Ellen (1997). Half-day kindergarten perspective. [Electronic Version]. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 12(4) p.481+. Viadero, Debra (2002). Full-Day Kindergarten Boosts Academic Performance. Education Week, 21(31), p.14. Retrieved September 26, 2004, from Academic search/ EBSCO database Wood, Daniel B. (2004, January 28). Learning trend: Kindergarten becomes and all-day affair. Retrieved December 4, 2004, from http:www.matr.net/print-9643.html

Monday, January 13, 2020

Binomial System

Lesson 1 Assignment Questions Describe the scientific system by which plants are classified, in a report of up to 500 words. In this report, Cover: *the significance of the binomial system *why common names of plants should not be used to correctly identify plants. The scientific system to classify and naming plants are controlled and coordinated by botanist throughout the world. The system of classification in plants is to classify them in groups with similar characteristics. Then continue to divide and sub-group until you have one type of plant in each group.The main level of division in plants are as follows: Plants are divided into PHYLA (singular: phylum) Phyla can be divided into DIVISIONS Divisions are divided into CLASSES Classes are divided into ORDERS Orders are divided into FAMILIES Families are divided into GENERA (singular: genus) GENERA are divided into SPECIES Species are sometimes divided into VARIETIES The concept of the binomial system was introduced by Carolus Linn alus (1707-1778) in 1753 for flowering plants. The system gives each plant a name which is made up of two parts.The first part is called the generic name (or genus) and always starts with a capital. The second part is the specific name (or epithet) and always comes after the generic name. The specific name always starts with lower case, unless it is name after a person or place. The reason common names should not be used is that some common names are given to more than one plant creating confusion when communication about plants. Using botanical names allow identification worldwide. Common names can verify from one country to the next.Answer each of the following briefly. A. What are the major divisions found in the plant kingdom? The major divisions found in the plant kingdom is Phyla, Division, Classes, orders, Families, Genera, Species and Varieties. B. List the basic differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms. The basic difference is that angiosperms are a flowering, seed p lant produce seeds within a fruit, while the gymnosperms are naked seed bearing. The gymnosperms have seeds that are not enclosed by an ovary of fruit. C. Define the meaning of the termsFamily: A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order and above a genus. A family usually consists of several genera. Genus: A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species. Species: a. A fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreeding. b.An organism belonging to such a category, represented in binomial nomenclature by an uncapitalised Latin adjective or noun following a capitalized genus name, as in Ananas comosus, the pineapple, and Equus caballus, the horse. Subspecies: A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of an interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms. Variety: A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of an interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms. Cultivar: A race or variety of a plant that has been created or selected intentionally and maintained through cultivation.D. Give the scientific names of 10 different plant species not mentioned elsewhere to date in this course. For each, indicate which family they belong to, which name is the genus, which is the species and (if applicable) which is the variety or cultivar. Name:Syzygium australecultivar Family: MyrataceaeGenus:SyzygiumSpecies: S. australe Name:Viola hederaceacultivar Family: ViolaceaeGenus:ViolaSpecies: V. hederacea Name:Hardenbergia violaceacultivar Family: FabaceaeGenus:HardenbergiaSpecies: H. violacea Name:Acacia vertillata Family: MimosaceaeGenus:AcaciaSpecies: A. verticillataName:Bulb ine bulbosa Family: LiliaceaeGenus:BulbineSpecies: B. bulbosa Name:Pultenaea dentata Family: FabaceaeGenus:PultenaeaSpecies: P. dentata Name:Dichelachne rara Family: PoaeceaeGenus:DichelachneSpecies: D. rara Name:Diuris orientis Family: OrchidaceaeGenus:DiurisSpecies: D. orientis Name:Leptospermum scoparium Family: MyrataceaeGenus:LeptospermumSpecies: L. scoparium Name:Wahlenbergia gracilenta Family: CampanulaceaeGenus:WahlenbergiaSpecies: W. gracilenta 3. What is the horticultural significance of juvenility, maturity and senescence in the developmental cycle of a plant.The horticultural significant of juvenility, maturity and senescence in the developmental cycle of a plant is each stages allows different advantages of the plant. The ability for juvenile stage to be influence allows propagators to vegetatively propagate cuttings longer, while to reduce this stage allows flower and fruit growers to reduce their production costs and an earlier crop or return on investment. Because at this stage it has its most rapid rate of growth and has the ability to initiate adventitious roots readily, this is decreased or lost as the plant matures.Maturity is significant for those wanting to see the results of their breeding programs or a harvest from the plants e. g. seeds and fruits. A plant is considered mature when it has the potentially capacity to reproduce. Reproduction from cuttings at this stage is reduced or the plant has no longer got the ability to form adventitious roots. Senescence is referred to the process involving the deterioration of the plant or its organs prior to death. To be able to control or delay this stage allows for a longer harvest time e. g. fruit and flowers. . Answer each of the following questions briefly. A. Describe the structure of the basic plant cell. Explain the function of the different cell organelles. The basic plant cell structure is made many layers which primary consist of three components being the middle lamellum, primary cell wall and secondary cell wall. There are many cell organelles: Nucleus stores the genetic component (chromosomes) of the particular cell. Plastids are collective terms for organelles that carry pigments. Ribosome’s are responsible for the synthesis of proteins.Mitochondria are there to break down the complex carbohydrates and sugars into usable forms for the plant. Golgi Body transports chemical substances in and out of the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum is the link between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the plant cell. Vacuoles are used for storage and help to regulate turgor pressure of the plant cell. Peroxisomes is to assist chloroplasts in undergoing photorespiration process. They also contain certain oxidative enzymes. B. Define the term â€Å"Plant Tissue†. Describe the characteristics and basic role of tissue found in flowering plants.Plant Tissue is the references to a collective function of large tracts of cells with similar structure. Plant tissues come in tw o basic types Meristematic tissues and Permanent tissue. The meristematic basic role is to actively divide and differentiate into various cell types. After the Meristematic cells have divide they develop into Permanent tissue. Permanent tissue can be classified into simple or complex. C. Draw and label the cross section of a leaf to show epidermis, xylem, phloem, stomata and parenchyma. â€Å"See Attached†D. Draw and label a cell diagram to show all parts you can remember without referring to your notes. â€Å"See Attached† 5. Answer the following question briefly. A. State the internal differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. There are numerous differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. |Monocotyledons |Dicotyledons | |A large number of vascular bundles |A limited umber of vascular bundles | |The vascular bundles are scattered in the |The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring | |Parenchyma tissue. | | |Between the cortex and pith there is no | There is a clear distinguish between the corted | |Distinction. And the pith | |No secondary thickening |Secondary thickening can occur | |No annual rings are formed |Due to secondary thickening annual rings are | | |formed | |No cambium occurs between the xylem and |Cambium occurs between the xylem and the | |The phloem. Phloem. | B. How can strengthening tissue establish in monocotyledons in order for perennial growth to occur? The stem strengthening occurs by the many vascular bundles being scattered, rather than in a ring, with support for the bundles being surrounded by extensive fibres. â€Å"See Attached† for 14 plants, 7 review sheets.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What is Special Education

There are many students who have special learning needs and these are addressed through special education (SPED). The range of SPED supports varies based on need and local laws. Each country, state, or educational jurisdiction has different policies, rules, regulations, and legislation that govern what special education means and looks like. What Is Special Education? In the US, the governing federal law is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Under this act, special education is defined as:   Specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Students qualifying for special education services have needs that often require support that goes beyond what is usually offered or received in the regular school/classroom setting. Special education is in place to ensure that all students educational needs are met. This means that additional services, support, programs, specialized placements, or environments are supplied when necessary and at no cost to the parents. The 13 Categories Under IDEA Typically, the types of exceptionalities/disabilities that fall under special education are clearly identified in the jurisdictions law. Special education is for students with disabilities, which are defined under IDEA as follows: AutismDeaf-BlindnessDeafnessEmotional DisturbanceHearing ImpairmentIntellectual DisabilityMultiple DisabilitiesOrthopedic ImpairmentOther Health ImpairmentSpecific Learning DisabilitySpeech or Language ImpairmentTraumatic Brain InjuryVisual Impairment The goal of special education is to ensure that students who have any of these disabilities can take part in education along with students without disabilities and can access the curriculum whenever and as much as possible. Ideally, all students would have equitable access to education in order to reach their potential. Developmental Delays Even if a child does not have any of the disabilities outlined above, they can still qualify for special education. It is up to the individual states to include children at risk for disabilities in the eligible group for special education. This falls under Part C eligibility in IDEA and relates to developmental delays. Children identified as having developmental delays are generally those who are slow to meet or who are not reaching certain educational milestones. Part C eligibility is determined by each states definition of developmental delay and includes children with established physical or mental conditions with a high probability of resulting in developmental delay. Sidenote: For gifted and talented students there are no minimum federal standards, and it is up to individual states and local administrations to make any decisions about programs and services for gifted learners. As a result, there are large differences even between districts in the same state. How Do Students Obtain Special Education Services? A child suspected of needing SPED support will usually be referred to the special education committee at the school. Parents, teachers, or both can make referrals for special education. Parents should have any necessary information/documentation from community professionals, doctors, external agencies etc. and inform the school of the childs disabilities if they are known prior to attending school. Otherwise, the teacher will typically begin to notice the students special needs and will relay any concerns to the parent which can lead to a special needs committee meeting at the school level. The child who is being considered for special education services will often receive assessment(s), evaluations, or psycho testing (again this depends on the educational jurisdiction) to determine if they qualify to receive special education programming/support. However, prior to conducting any type of assessment/testing, the parent will need to sign consent forms. Once the child qualifies for additional support, an Individual Education Plan/Program (IEP) is then developed for the child. IEPs will include goals, objectives, activities, and any additional supports needed to ensure the child reaches their maximum educational potential. The IEP is then reviewed and revised regularly with input from the stakeholders. To find out more about Special Education, check with your schools special education teacher or search online for your jurisdictions policies surrounding special education. Sources â€Å"Sec. 300.39 Special Education.†Ã‚  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2 May 2017.ECTACenter. â€Å"Part C Eligibility.†Ã‚  ECTA.